Enhancing Web Testing with Playwright’s Evaluate Method

Cerosh Jacob
3 min readSep 18, 2023
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

In the early days of test automation, JavaScript was commonly used to execute custom functions, while VBScript was popular for test automation, especially with Internet Explorer as the dominant web browser. However, these methods were not always user-friendly and were prone to errors. Despite their limitations, they were the best options available at that time.

In recent years, new test automation frameworks have emerged, making it easier to execute custom JavaScript functions on web pages. These frameworks often use a CSS selector syntax to identify elements on the page, simplifying the process of writing and maintaining test cases.

The evaluate() method allows executing code within the context of a web page. If the function returns a Promise, the evaluate() method will wait for the Promise to resolve before returning. In the playwright, the evaluate() function can be written as either an arrow function or a regular function. It takes two arguments: a function to be executed within the web page's context, and an optional argument that can be passed to the function. This feature is useful for various tasks, such as:

1. Manipulating the DOM of a web page

Text boxes can come in different types, such as input elements or divs. In certain cases, the…

